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Some experts estimate that over 200 Mt of plastic waste is generated annually across the globe, but only 12% are recycled. SIBUR is sure: polymer waste are a unique source of feedstock for the circular economy. The Company is consistently taking steps to create new green products by engaging its partners and the broader public into the ESG agenda.

Last year, POLIEF started new operations and launched production of polymeric granules with recycled content. Pavel Romanenko, CEO of POLIEF, speaks about the environmental projects, Vivilen rPET production and quality control.

The past year posed quite a few interesting tasks for SIBUR which have been efficiently addressed by the company. Alexey Sboev, Director, Sales of Plastics and Organic Synthesis Products, PETE, PC, propylene derivatives and MAN, answers our questions.

A commitment to stability, regional development and environmental protection.

SIBUR’s progress on teaming up with partners to implement recycling and circular economy initiatives.
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