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  • © PAO «Sibur Holding», 2025

    SIBUR’s Corporate University project is designed as a media space to facilitate discussion in educational settings, ‘safe’ experiments, exchange of experience and expertise, and to promote the company’s learning culture.

    EdLab only relies on proven tools, direct advice, freedom of communication and opinion, experimentation, discussion and intellectual debate at the level of the company’s top executives: all that is essential for building a culture of a self-learning organization.

    Training makes the company stronger. People are the most valuable asset in a company, and their qualification and effectiveness of their decisions control the overall performance of the business. People are the primary performance drivers.

    Rustam Galiakhmetov,

    Managing Director, Corporate University. Technical Committee

    A community of “restless” individuals

    Corporate training is a very flexible area of learning, that, unlike the academic sector, is capable of adapting to external conditions as quickly as possible. The reason for this is the close relationship with the business and the necessity to resolve its tasks, and consequently propose fast solutions, try things out and bring them to life. In fact, it is the corporate training segment that is the first to trial, experiment and “pilot” the technologies in order to understand how fit they are for the company and whether they are cost-effective and efficient enough in terms of their outcome.

    The EdLab audience is a community of “restless” individuals eager to boost their competence and development, both personally and within their team.

    In the target prospect, the Corporate University is a driver of change, a business partner that looks ahead, anticipates and assesses the trends, proposes and initiates qualitative transformation of the business and the learning agenda. We need to fundamentally redesign the company’s approach to training. It is a common mistake to think that to deliver training is the job of the Corporate University alone. It is a task for everyone and, first and foremost, for those who are initiating such a request.

    Rustam Galiakhmetov,

    Managing Director, Corporate University. Technical Committee

    During two-way communication, sparks will be flying sometimes, but once we get it right, ‘one plus one will be greater than two’.

    Daria Borisova,

    Member of the Management Board - Managing Director, Development and Innovation

    Audience = makers and authors

    EdLab targets top managers who as influencers, opinion leaders and drivers of change become the learning lab authors. But the magazine is read by a wide variety of employees, as every professional is keen to improve his or her skills.

    Every day at work is like a blank sheet of paper that needs to be filled with new, effective, and interesting content, with change. It cannot be done without constant learning and development.

    Igor Klimov,

    Member of the Management Board, SIBUR LLC, "Nizhnekamsknefteknim" General director

    First results and new targets

    The first magazine was released in July 2021; now the digest is published quarterly. It has several columns dedicated to the learning agenda in the company, the country and the world, up-to-date research and news, helpful work tools and references, and corporate training optimization: without all this, the HR policy of a modern organization is unworkable.

    Without self-training, the business will suffocate in our fast-changing world.

    Vasily Nomokonov,

    Member of the Management Board - Executive Director, Process Management. IT and Digital Technologies. Corporate Services

    Interviews with top managers play a special part: by sharing their experience and opinion, they help build an insightful learning dialogue and steer the transformation direction of the corporate self-training culture. For every issue, a social survey is conducted among the target audience of SIBUR managers, with extracts from such surveys becoming quotations within the magazine.

    What is leadership? It is a certain vision where you can spot risks and opportunities earlier and better than others, know how to assume the risks and responsibility and mobilize your team to achieve a goal.

    Daria Borisova,

    Member of the Management Board - Managing Director, Development and Innovation

    The lab integrates the key roles of corporate training: training requestors, subject matter experts and methodologists. The topics and navigation in the magazine are structured in a way that allows the reader to not just get a comprehensive overview of the subject matter in focus, but to also reflect on the ideas, examine the research, check the algorithms, study the cases and methodologies and immediately apply the best training solutions in daily operations.

    For every issue, a social survey is conducted among the target audience of SIBUR managers, with extracts from such surveys becoming quotations within the magazine

    How to become an EdLab partner

    The project is open to various forms of effective cooperation. We invite you to share your experience, exchange knowledge and opinion, raise an important topic and comment on an issue of concern to you. To contact the EdLab team and discuss the form of cooperation, email us at: elearning@sibur.ru

    The project is open to various forms of effective cooperation. We invite you to share your experience, exchange knowledge and opinion, raise an important topic and comment on an issue of concern to you

    Take the EdLab project survey

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    12 September 2022

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